Strategic objective
Ally development has always been one of RCPA’s main focus. Educational factors are incorporated into all of our initiatives. RCPA plans to work with Rotman MBA’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Office in order to better educate business students about the best inclusion practices integral in fostering allyship. Furthermore, RCPA also plans to rehaul its mentorship program to closely support LGBTQ+ students and further promote awareness about meaningful D&I practices and resources in the workplace among business students.
RCPA has formed the LGBTQ+ Business Student Alliance with Ivey Pride Group, Schulich Proud, Ted Rogers Pride Alliance, OUT in Business and Q+. This year, RCPA is also closely collaborating with student leaders and organizations throughout the Rotman Commerce community in order to build a greater awareness of diversity and inclusivity among business students.
As a leading undergraduate student in one of Canada’s top business school, RCPA is committed to closely supporting students in their career development throughout their time at Rotman Commerce. Through hosting engaging panels, workshops, case competitions, and other insightful events, students can enable themselves to professionally grow, enhance and polish their business skills, and make lasting connections with professionals from diverse industries that also champion D&I.
Shaping students to be their most competent and confident selves through enhancing, learning, and furthering their professional business skills, and ensure that their sexual orientation or gender identity does not hold them back from showcasing their true potential and talent as future leaders.